Asmara International Airport code (ASM)

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Asmara International Airport is an airport of Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, and also the country's largest airport. Formerly known as Yohannes IV Airport, Asmara International was nearly destroyed during World War II and was rebuilt in the 1950s. Its airport code comes from the capital city of ASMara.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Asmara International Airport
Airport Keywords: Yohannes IV International
Airport (IATA) Code: ASM


City: Asmara
Region: Maekel
Country: Eritrea (ER)
Continent: Africa
Full Location: Asmara, Maekel, Eritrea


Latitude: 15.285000
Longitude: 38.901667
Elevation: 7619 (Feet)

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