Sloulin Field International Airport code (ISN)

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Sloulin Field International Airport is an airport serving Williston, a city in North Dakota. It is two miles north of downtown and is owned and operated by the City. Built in 1947, the airport faces expansion constraints, design issues, and the need for runway refurbishment. For these reasons, as well as the rise in air traffic amid the North Dakota oil boom, officials have decided to build Williston Basin International Airport. This airport will replace Sloulin Field Airport, which will be decommissioned.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Sloulin Field International Airport
Airport Keywords: Sloulin Field Airport
Airport (IATA) Code: ISN


City: Williston
Continent: North America
Full Location: Williston, ND, United States


Latitude: 48.177370
Longitude: -103.636733
Elevation: 1913 (Feet)

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