East Kimberley Regional Airport code (KNX)

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Kununurra Airport it is more commonly referred to locally as Kununurra Airport an airport in Kununurra, Western Australia. The airport is 3.7 km west of the town. Heavy wet seasons often result in this area being cut off from essential outside services and deliveries. The airport is a crucial piece of infrastructure which enables people and goods to enter or leave from the region and especially supports tourism and economic development.

Airport Information

Airport Name: East Kimberley Regional Airport
Airport Keywords: Kununurra Airport
Airport (IATA) Code: KNX


City: Kununurra
Continent: Oceanic
Full Location: Kununurra, WA, Australia


Latitude: -15.783741
Longitude: 128.712729
Elevation: 142 (Feet)

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