Ndolo Airport code (NLO)

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Ndolo Airport is a secondary airport in the city of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, located in the commune of Barumbu near the city center. Runways are limited to aircraft under 15,000 kg since the disastrous crash of January 8, 1996, in which an Antonov An-32 aborted takeoff and overran the runway 600 m into a market.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Ndolo Airport
Airport Keywords: Ndolo
Airport (IATA) Code: NLO


City: Kinshasa
Province: Kinshasa
Continent: Africa
Full Location: Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo


Latitude: -4.327222
Longitude: 15.325833
Elevation: 909 (Feet)

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