Girua Airport code (PNP)

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Girua Airport is an airport serving Popondetta, a city in the Oro (or Northern) province in Papua New Guinea. Girua Airport is located near Dobodura, to the north-east of the Embi Lakes, north-east of Inonda. To the south is Mt. Lamington, a volcano that dominates the skyline. The airport was built during World War II as part of the Dobodura Airfield Complex during late 1942 and early 1943.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Girua Airport
Airport Keywords: Girua Airport
Airport (IATA) Code: PNP


City: Girua
Province: Oro
Continent: Oceanic
Full Location: Girua, Oro, Papua New Guinea


Latitude: -8.803523
Longitude: 148.309670
Elevation: 294 (Feet)

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