Burgos Airport code (RGS)

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Burgos Airport is an airport located 4 kilometres west of the historic center of Burgos, a city in Spain. The origins of Villafría aerodrome date back to the 1920s, when a small aeronautical detachment was established in Gamonal, which served its purpose until it became too small to cope with the progress in aeronautics. After this, the government of King Alfonso XIII created the national Villafría Burgos airport by Royal Decree on 19 July 1927.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Burgos Airport
Airport Keywords: Villafria
Airport (IATA) Code: RGS


City: Burgos
Province: Burgos
Country: Spain (ES)
Continent: Europe
Full Location: Burgos, BU, Spain
Website: Aena.es


Latitude: 42.355757
Longitude: -3.618575
Elevation: 2930 (Feet)

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