Roanne-Renaison Airport code (RNE)

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Roanne Airport is an airport in the Loire department near Roanne in the commune of Saint - Léger - sur - Roanne. The airport has a 1,430-meter "hard" track, a 740-meter grass track and a 160-meter ULM track, two fuel stations, a control tower , a stopover, a weather station and Aircraft hangars.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Roanne-Renaison Airport
Airport Keywords: Renaison
Airport (IATA) Code: RNE


City: Roanne
Region: Rhône-Alpes
Country: France (FR)
Continent: Europe
Full Location: Roanne, RA, France


Latitude: 46.053333
Longitude: 4.000833
Elevation: 1106 (Feet)

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