Chu Lai International Airport code (VCL)

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Chu Lai International Airport is located in the Chu Lai Open Economic Zone, Núi Thành District. Built by the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War, Chu Lai Airport opened commercially in 2005. It serves Tam Ky, but gets its airport code from its country and city of Vietnam, Chu Lai.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Chu Lai International Airport
Airport Keywords: Chu Lai iNTL
Airport (IATA) Code: VCL


City: Chu Lai
Province: Hà Nội
Country: Vietnam (VN)
Continent: Asia
Full Location: Chu Lai, Quảng Nam, Vietnam


Latitude: 15.408710
Longitude: 108.704498
Elevation: 25 (Feet)

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