Manakara Airport code (WVK)

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Manakara Airport is an airport in Manakara, Vatovavy-Fitovinany Region, Madagascar, located on the east coast on the island. The Fianarantsoa-Côte Est railway crosses the runway of this airport, making it is one of only a few airports in the world that crosses a live railway line. The other two airports are Peshawar Airport in Pakistan and Gisborne Airport in New Zealand.

Airport Information

Airport Name: Manakara Airport
Airport Keywords: Manakara Airport
Airport (IATA) Code: WVK


City: Manakara
Continent: Africa
Full Location: Manakara, Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Madagascar


Latitude: -22.119722
Longitude: 48.021667
Elevation: 20 (Feet)

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