The following is a list of all airports and airport codes found in United States.
Back to Country List | View airports alphabeticallyTotal Airports Found: 2365
- Hunt Field Airport (LND)
- Laughlin Bullhead International Airport (IFP)
- Pennsylvania Railroad Station (ZRL)
- Port Columbus International Airport (CMH)
- Wichita Falls Regional Airport (SPS)
- A. L. Mangham Jr. Regional Airport (OCH)
- A.J. Eisenberg Airport (ODW)
- A.P. Hill Army Airfield (APH)
- Aberdeen Regional Airport (ABR)
- Abilene Regional Airport (ABI)
- Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport (SPI)
- Acadiana Regional Airport (ARA)
- Accomack County Airport (MFV)
- Ada Municipal Airport (ADT)
- Adak Airport (ADK)
- Addison Airport (ADS)
- Adirondack Regional Airport (SLK)
- Afton Municipal Airport (AFO)
- Aiken Municipal Airport (AIK)
- Ainsworth Regional Airport (ANW)
- Airborne Airpark (ILN)
- Ak-Chin Regional Airport (A39)
- Akhiok Airport (AKK)
- Akiachak Seaplane Base (KKI)
- Akiak Airport (AKI)
- Akron Fulton International Airport (AKC)
- Akron-Canton Airport (CAK)
- Akutan Seaplane Base (KQA)
- Alakanuk Airport (AUK)
- Alamogordo-White Sands Regional Airport (ALM)
- Albany International Airport (ALB)
- Albany–Rensselaer Station (ZLY)
- Albert J. Ellis Airport (OAJ)
- Albert Lea Municipal Airport (AEL)
- Albert Whitted Airport (SPG)
- Albertus Airport (FEP)
- Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)
- Aleknagik Airport (WKK)
- Aleneva Airport (AED)
- Alexandria International Airport (AEX)
- Alexandria Municipal Airport (AXN)
- Algona Municipal Airport (AXG)
- Alice International Airport (ALI)
- Alitak Seaplane Base (ALZ)
- Allakaket Airport (AET)
- Allegheny County Airport (AGC)
- Allen Army Airfield (BIG)
- Alliance Municipal Airport (AIA)
- Alpena County Regional Airport (APN)
- Alpine Airstrip (DQH)
- Alpine-Casparis Municipal Airport (ALE)
- Altoona-Blair County Airport (AOO)
- Altus Air Force Base (LTS)
- Altus/Quartz Mountain Regional Airport (AXS)
- Ambler Airport (ABL)
- Amedee Army Airfield (AHC)
- Amery Municipal Airport (AHH)
- Ames Municipal Airport (AMW)
- Amook Bay Seaplane Base (AOS)
- Anacortes Airport (OTS)
- Anaktuvuk Pass Airport (AKP)
- Anderson Municipal Airport (AID)
- Anderson Regional Airport (AND)
- Andrews Field (ADW)
- Angelina County Airport (LFK)
- Angoon Seaplane Base (AGN)
- Aniak Airport (ANI)
- Animas Air Park (AMK)
- Ankeny Regional Airport (IKV)
- Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB)
- Annette Island Airport (ANN)
- Anniston Regional Airport (ANB)
- Anthony Municipal Airport (ANY)
- Antlers Municipal Airport (ATE)
- Antrim County Airport (ACB)
- Anvik Airport (ANV)
- Apalachicola Regional Airport (AAF)
- Apple Valley Airport (APV)
- Appleton International Airport (ATW)
- Aransas County Airport (RKP)
- Arapahoe Municipal Airport (AHF)
- Arcata-Eureka Airport (ACV)
- Arctic Village Airport (ARC)
- Ardmore Downtown Executive Airport (AHD)
- Ardmore Municipal Airport (ADM)
- Arens Field Airport (RWN)
- Arkansas International Airport (BYH)
- Arlington Municipal Airport (GKY)
- Arnold Palmer Regional Airport (LBE)
- Artesia Municipal Airport (ATS)
- Arthur Dunn Airpark Airport (X21)
- Arthur N. Neu Airport (CIN)
- Asbury Park Airport (ARX)
- Asheville Regional Airport (AVL)
- Ashland County Airport (3G4)
- Ashland Municipal Airport (AHM)
- Ashley Municipal Airport (ASY)
- Aspen-Pitkin County Airport (ASE)
- Astoria Regional Airport (AST)
- Athens-Ben Epps Airport (AHN)
- Atka Airport (AKB)
- Atkinson Municipal Airport (PTS)
- Atlanta Regional Airport (FFC)
- Atlanta South Regional Airport (4A7)
- Atlantic City International Airport (ACY)
- Atlantic Municipal Airport (AIO)
- Atmautluak Airport (369)
- Atmautluak Airport (ATT)
- Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr. Memorial Airport (ATK)
- Auburn Municipal Airport (AUN)
- Auburn University Regional Airport (AUO)
- Auburn/Lewiston Municipal Airport (LEW)
- Augusta Regional Airport (AGS)
- Augusta State Airport (AUG)
- Aurora Municipal Airport (AUZ)
- Aurora State Airport (UAO)
- Austin Airport (ASQ)
- Austin Municipal Airport (AUM)
- Austin Straubel International Airport (GRB)
- Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS)
- Avenger Field (SWW)
- Avon Park Executive Airport (AVO)
- Back Bay Station (ZTY)
- Bagdad Airport (BGT)
- Bagdad Airport (E51)
- Baker Army Airfield (BAR)
- Baker City Municipal Airport (BKE)
- Baldwin County Airport (MLJ)
- Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI)
- Bamberg County Airport-99N (99N)
- Bandon State Airport (BDY)
- Bangor International Airport (BGR)
- Banks Airport (ME5)
- Banning Municipal Airport (BNG)
- Barbers Point Airport (NAX)
- Barkley Regional Airport (PAH)
- Barksdale Air Force Base (BAD)
- Barnstable Municipal Airport (HYA)
- Barnwell Regional Airport (BNL)
- Barrow County Airport (WDR)
- Barstow-Daggett Airport (DAG)
- Barter Island LRRS Airport (BTI)
- Bartlesville Municipal Airport (BVO)
- Bartlett Cove Seaplane Base (BQV)
- Bartow Municipal Airport (BOW)
- Barwick Lafayette Airport (9A5)
- Batesville Regional Airport (BVX)
- Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport (BTR)
- Battle Mountain Airport (BAM)
- Baudette International Airport (BDE)
- Bay City Municipal Airport (BBC)
- Baytown Airport (HPY)
- Beale Air Force Base (BAB)
- Bear Creek 3 Airport (BCC)
- Beatrice Municipal Airport (BIE)
- Beatty Airport (BTY)
- Beaufort County Airport (BFT)
- Beaumont Municipal Airport (BMT)
- Beauregard Regional Airport (DRI)
- Beaver Airport (WBQ)
- Beaver County Airport (BFP)
- Beech Factory Airport (BEC)
- Bell Island Hot Springs Seaplane Base (KBE)
- Belle Plaine Municipal Airport (TZT)
- Belleville Municipal Airport (RPB)
- Bellingham International Airport (BLI)
- Beluga Airport (BVU)
- Bemidji Regional Airport (BJI)
- Ben Bruce Memorial Airpark (EVA)
- Benson Municipal Airport (BBB)
- Benton Field (BZF)
- Bentonville Municipal Airport (VBT)
- Berlin Regional Airport (BML)
- Bermuda Dunes Airport (UDD)
- Bert Mooney Airport (BTM)
- Bethel Airport (BET)
- Bethel Seaplane Base (JBT)
- Bettles Airport (BTT)
- Beverly Regional Airport (BVY)
- Bicycle Lake Army Airfield (BYS)
- Big Bear City Airport (L35)
- Big Creek Airport (BGK)
- Big Lake Airport (BGQ)
- Big Mountain Air Force Station (BMX)
- Big Piney-Marbleton Airport (BPI)
- Big Timber Airport (6S0)
- Biggs Army Airfield (BIF)
- Billings Logan International Airport (BIL)
- Billy Mitchell Airport (HNC)
- Birch Creek Airport (KBC)
- Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM)
- Bisbee Municipal Airport (BSQ)
- Bisbee-Douglas International Airport (DUG)
- Bishop International Airport (FNT)
- Bismarck Municipal Airport (BIS)
- Black Hills Airport (SPF)
- Black Rock Airport (ZUN)
- Blackstone Army Airfield (BKT)
- Blakely Island Airport (BYW)
- Blanding Municipal Airport (BDG)
- Block Island State Airport (BID)
- Blosser Municipal Airport (CNK)
- Bloyer Field (Y72)
- Blue Canyon - Nyack Airport (BLU)
- Blue Grass Airport (LEX)
- Blythe Airport (BLH)
- Blytheville Municipal Airport (HKA)
- Bob Baker Memorial Airport (IAN)
- Bob Hope Airport (BUR)
- Bob Sikes Airport (CEW)
- Boca Raton Airport (BCT)
- Boise Air Terminal Airport (BOI)
- Bolingbrook's Clow International Airport (1CS)
- Bolton Field (TZR)
- Boone County Regional Airport (HRO)
- Boone Municipal Airport (BNW)
- Borrego Valley Airport (BXS)
- Boswell Bay Airport (BSW)
- Boulder City Municipal Airport (BLD)
- Boulder Municipal Airport (WBU)
- Boundary Airport (BYA)
- Bowerman Airport (HQM)
- Bowers Airport (ELN)
- Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport (BWG)
- Bowman Field (LOU)
- Bowman Municipal Airport (BWM)
- Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN)
- Braceville Airport (41N)
- Brackett Field (POC)
- Bradford Regional Airport (BFD)
- Bradley International Airport (BDL)
- Bradshaw Aaf Airport (BSF)
- Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (BRD)
- Branch County Memorial Airport (OEB)
- Brandywine Airport (OQN)
- Branson Airport (BKG)
- Brawley Municipal Airport (BWC)
- Bremerton National Airport (PWT)
- Brevig Mission Airport (KTS)
- Brewster Field (HDE)
- Bridgewater Air Park Airport (VBW)
- Brigham City Airport (BMC)
- Broken Bow Municipal Airport (BBW)
- Brookings Airport (BOK)
- Brookings Regional Airport (BKX)
- Brooks Field (RMY)
- Brown Field Municipal Airport (SDM)
- Browns Airport (EPG)
- Brownsville/South Padre Island International Airport (BRO)
- Brownwood Regional Airport (BWD)
- Brunswick County Airport (SUT)
- Brunswick Golden Isles Airport (BQK)
- Bryant Army Heliport (FRN)
- Bryce Canyon Airport (BCE)
- Buchanan Field Airport (CCR)
- Buckeye Municipal Airport (BXK)
- Buckhorn Ranch Airport (CSE)
- Buckland Airport (BKC)
- Buckley Air Force Base (BKF)
- Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF)
- Buffalo–Exchange Street station (ZXS)
- Bullfrog Basin Airport (BFG)
- Burley Municipal Airport (BYI)
- Burlington International Airport (BTV)
- Burnett County Airport (RZN)
- Burns Municipal Airport (BNO)
- Butler County Regional Airport (HAO)
- Butler Memorial Airport (BUM)
- Butts Army Airfield (FCS)
- C. David Campbell Field (CRS)
- Cabaniss Field NOLF Airport (NGW)
- Cable Airport (CCB)
- Cabool Memorial Airport (TVB)
- Cairns Army Airfield (OZR)
- Cairo Regional Airport (CIR)
- Cairo-Grady County Airport (70J)
- Caledonia County Airport (LLX)
- Calexico International Airport (CXL)
- Calverton Executive Airpark (CTO)
- Cambridge-Dorchester Airport (CGE)
- Camp Mackall (HFF)
- Campbell Army Airfield (HOP)
- Candle 2 Airport (CDL)
- Cannon Air Force Base (CVS)
- Canton Municipal Airport (CTK)
- Cantwell Airport (TTW)
- Canyonlands Field (CNY)
- Cape Decision Coast Guard Heliport (CDE)
- Cape Girardeau Regional Airport (CGI)
- Cape Lisburne LRRS Airport (LUR)
- Cape May Airport (WWD)
- Cape Newenham LRRS Airport (EHM)
- Cape Pole Seaplane Base (CZP)
- Cape Romanzof LRRS Airport (CZF)
- Cape Spencer Coast Guard Heliport (CSP)
- Capital City Airport (FFT)
- Capital City Airport (HAR)
- Capital Region International Airport (LAN)
- Captain Jack Thomas/El Dorado Airport (EDK)
- Carbon County Regional Airport/Buck Davis Field (PUC)
- Caribou Municipal Airport (CAR)
- Carroll County–Tolson Airport (TSO)
- Carson Airport (CSN)
- Cartersville Airport (VPC)
- Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ)
- Cascade Airport (ICS)
- Cascade Locks State Airport (CZK)
- Casco Cove Coast Guard Station (ATU)
- Casper-Natrona County International Airport (CPR)
- Castle Airport (MER)
- Catalina Airport (CIB)
- Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport (OLE)
- Cavern City Air Terminal (CNM)
- Cedar City Regional Airport (CDC)
- Centennial Airport (APA)
- Center Island Airport (CWS)
- Centerville Municipal Airport (GHM)
- Centerville Municipal Airport (TVK)
- Central Airport (CEM)
- Central Illinois Regional Airport (BMI)
- Central Jersey Regional Airport (JVI)
- Central Maine Airport of Norridgewock (OWK)
- Central Nebraska Regional Airport (GRI)
- Central Wisconsin Airport (CWA)
- Centralia Municipal Airport (ENL)
- Centre-Piedmont-Cherokee County Regional Airport (PYP)
- Century City Heliport (CCD)
- Cessna Aircraft Field (CEA)
- Chadron Municipal Airport (CDR)
- Chalkyitsik Airport (CIK)
- Challis Airport (CHL)
- Chan Gurney Municipal Airport (YKN)
- Chandalar Lake Airport (WCR)
- Chanute Martin Johnson Airport (CNU)
- Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport (MKC)
- Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport (STS)
- Charleston International Airport (CHS)
- Charlevoix Municipal Airport (CVX)
- Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT)
- Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport (CHO)
- Charlotte–Monroe Executive Airport (EQY)
- Chatham Seaplane Base (CYM)
- Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport (CHA)
- Chautauqua County-Jamestown Airport (JHW)
- Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport (DKK)
- Cheboygan County Airport (SLH)
- Chefornak Airport (CYF)
- Chehalis-Centralia Airport (CLS)
- Chemehuevi Valley Airport (49X)
- Chena Hot Springs Airport (CEX)
- Chenega Bay Airport (NCN)
- Chennault International Airport (CWF)
- Cheraw Municipal Airport (HCW)
- Chernofski Harbor Seaplane Base (KCN)
- Cherokee County Airport (JKV)
- Cherokee County Regional Airport (47A)
- Cherry Capital Airport (TVC)
- Chester County G. O. Carlson Airport (CTH)
- Chevak Airport (VAK)
- Cheyenne County Municipal Airport (SYF)
- Cheyenne Regional Airport (CYS)
- Chicago - All Airports (CHI)
- Chicago Executive Airport (PWK)
- Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD)
- Chickasha Municipal Airport (CHK)
- Chicken Airport (CKX)
- Chico Municipal Airport (CIC)
- Chignik Bay Seaplane Base (KBW)
- Chignik Fisheries Airport (KCG)
- Chignik Lagoon Airport (KCL)
- Chignik Lake Airport (KCQ)
- Childress Municipal Airport (CDS)
- Chiloquin State Airport (CHZ)
- China Lake Naws Airport (NID)
- Chinle Municipal Airport (E91)
- Chino Airport (CNO)
- Chippewa County International Airport (CIU)
- Chippewa Valley Regional Airport (EAU)
- Chisana Airport (CZN)
- Chisholm-Hibbing Municipal Airport (HIB)
- Chistochina Airport (CZO)
- Chitina Airport (CXC)
- Choc Heliport (JOR)
- Chuathbaluk Airport (CHU)
- Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Airport (LUK)
- Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG)
- Circle City Airport (IRC)
- Circle Hot Springs Airport (CHP)
- Claremont Municipal Airport (CNH)
- Clark Field Municipal Airport (SEP)
- Clarks Point Airport (CLP)
- Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Airport (CKV)
- Clayton Municipal Airpark (CAO)
- Clear Airport (Z84)
- Clear Sky Lodge Airport (CLF)
- Clearlake Airport (CLC)
- Clearwater Air Park (CLW)
- Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport (BKL)
- Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE)
- Cleveland Municipal Airport (RNV)
- Cliff Hatfield Memorial Airport (CLR)
- Clinton Municipal Airport (CWI)
- Clinton National Airport (LIT)
- Clinton Regional Airport (CLK)
- Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark (CSM)
- Clintonville Municipal Airport (CLI)
- Clinton–Sampson County Airport (CTZ)
- Clovis Municipal Airport (CVN)
- Coastal Carolina Regional Airport (EWN)
- Cobb County International Airport (RYY)
- Cochise County Airport (CWX)
- Coeur d'Alene Airport (COE)
- Coffey County Airport (UKL)
- Coffeyville Municipal Airport (CFV)
- Coffman Cove Seaplane Base (KCC)
- Colby Municipal Airport (CBK)
- Cold Bay Airport (CDB)
- Coldfoot Airport (CXF)
- Coleman A. Young International Airport (DET)
- Coleman Municipal Airport (COM)
- Coles County Memorial Airport (MTO)
- Colfax County Airport (AXX)
- College Park Airport (CGS)
- Colorado Creek Airport (KCR)
- Colorado Plains Regional Airport (AKO)
- Colorado Springs Airport (COS)
- Columbia Airport (COA)
- Columbia County Airport (HCC)
- Columbia Gorge Regional Airport (DLS)
- Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE)
- Columbia Regional Airport (COU)
- Columbus Air Force Base (CBM)
- Columbus Metropolitan Airport (CSG)
- Columbus Municipal Airport (CLU)
- Columbus Municipal Airport (OLU)
- Columbus-Lowndes County Airport (UBS)
- Comanche County-City Airport (MKN)
- Commerce Business Park Heliport (JBP)
- Commodore Center Heliport (JMC)
- Compton/Woodley Airport (CPM)
- Concord Municipal Airport (CON)
- Condron Army Airfield (WSD)
- Conroe-North Houston Regional Airport (CXO)
- Converse County Airport (DGW)
- Coolidge Municipal Airport (P08)
- Cooperstown-Westville Airport (COP)
- Copper Center Airport (CZC)
- Corcoran Airport (CRO)
- Cordova Municipal Airport (CKU)
- Corpus Christi International Airport (CRP)
- Cortez Municipal Airport (CEZ)
- Cortland County Airport (CTX)
- Corvallis Municipal Airport (CVO)
- Cottonwood Airport (P52)
- Cottonwood Airport (CTW)
- Cotulla-La Salle County Airport (COT)
- Coulter Field (CFD)
- Council Airport (CIL)
- Council Bluffs Municipal Airport (CBF)
- Covington Municipal Airport (9A1)
- Cox Field (PRX)
- Craig Field (SEM)
- Craig Seaplane Base (CGA)
- Craig-Moffat Airport (CIG)
- Cram Field (BUB)
- Crane County Airport (CCG)
- Crater Lake- Klamath Regional Airport (LMT)
- Crawford County Airport (RSV)
- Creech Air Force Base (INS)
- Creston Municipal Airport (CSQ)
- Crisp County-Cordele Airport (CKF)
- Crooked Creek Airport (CKD)
- Crookston Municipal Airport (CKN)
- Cross City Airport (CTY)
- Crossville Memorial/Whitson Field Airport (CSV)
- Crystal Airport (MIC)
- Cuba Municipal Airport (UBX)
- Cuddihy Field Airport (CUX)
- Culberson County Airport (VHN)
- Curtis Field (BBD)
- Cushing Municipal Airport (CUH)
- Custer Airport (TTF)
- Cut Bank Municipal Airport (CTB)
- Cuyahoga County Airport (CGF)
- Dade-Collier Training and Transition Airport (TNT)
- Dahl Creek Airport (DCK)
- Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center (DGN)
- Dalhart Municipal Airport (DHT)
- Dallas Cbd Vertiport Heliport (JDB)
- Dallas Executive Airport (RBD)
- Dallas Love Field (DAL)
- Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
- Dalton Municipal Airport (DNN)
- Danbury Municipal Airport (DXR)
- Dane County Regional Airport (MSN)
- Daniel Field (DNL)
- Dansville Municipal Airport (DSV)
- Danville Regional Airport (DAN)
- Dare County Regional Airport (MEO)
- Darke County Airport (VES)
- Darlington County Jetport Airport (UDG)
- Davenport Municipal Airport (DVN)
- David Wayne Hooks Memorial Airport (DWH)
- Davis Field Airport (MKO)
- Davison Army Airfield (DAA)
- Davis–Monthan Air Force Base (DMA)
- Dawson Community Airport (GDV)
- Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport (MGY)
- Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB)
- De Kalb Taylor Municipal Airport (DKB)
- Deadhorse Airport (SCC)
- Decatur Airport (DEC)
- Decatur County Industrial Air Park (BGE)
- Decatur Hi-Way Airport (DCR)
- Decorah Municipal Airport (DEH)
- Deer Harbor Sea Plane Base (DHB)
- Deering Airport (DRG)
- Defiance Memorial Airport (DFI)
- DeFuniak Springs Airport (54J)
- DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK)
- Del Norte County Regional Airport (CEC)
- Del Rio International Airport (DRT)
- Delaware Coastal Airport (GED)
- Delaware County Regional Airport (MIE)
- Dell Flight Strip (4U9)
- Delta County Airport (ESC)
- Delta Junction Airport (DJN)
- Delta Municipal Airport (DTA)
- Deming Municipal Airport (DMN)
- Denison Municipal Airport (DNS)
- Denver International Airport (DEN)
- Derby Field (LOL)
- Des Moines International Airport (DSM)
- Desert Rock Airport (DRA)
- Destin Executive Airport (DTS)
- Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (DSI)
- Destin–Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS)
- Detroit - All Airports (DTT)
- Detroit Lakes Airport (DTL)
- Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW)
- Devils Lake Regional Airport (DVL)
- Dickinson Municipal Airport (DIK)
- Dillant-Hopkins Airport (EEN)
- Dillingham Airfield (HDH)
- Dillingham Airport (DLG)
- Dillon Airport (DLN)
- Dillon County Airport (DLL)
- Dimmit County Airport (CZT)
- Dinwiddie County Airport (PTB)
- Diomede Heliport (DIO)
- Dobbins Air Reserve Base (MGE)
- Dodge Center Airport (TOB)
- Dodge City Regional Airport (DDC)
- Dodge County Airport (UNU)
- Donaldson Center Airport (GDC)
- Door County Cherryland Airport (SUE)
- Dothan Regional Airport (DHN)
- Douglas Municipal Airport (DGL)
- Dover Air Force Base (DOV)
- Dowagiac Municipal Airport (C91)
- Downey Heliport (JDY)
- Downtown Airpark (DWN)
- Downtown Manhattan Heliport (JRB)
- Doylestown Airport (DYL)
- Drake Field (FYV)
- Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport (TPL)
- Drummond Airport (DRU)
- Drummond Island Airport (DRE)
- Dubois Municipal Airport (DBS)
- DuBois Regional Airport (DUJ)
- Dubuque Regional Airport (DBQ)
- Duke Field (EGI)
- Duluth International Airport (DLH)
- Dunnellon/Marion County Airport (APT)
- Dupage Airport (DPA)
- Durango-La Plata County Airport (DRO)
- Durant Regional Airport–Eaker Field (DUA)
- Dutchess County Airport (POU)
- Dyess Air Force Base (DYS)
- Eagle Airport (EAA)
- Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE)
- Eagle Lake Airport (ELA)
- Eagle River Union Airport (EGV)
- Eagle's Nest Airport (W13)
- Eareckson Air Station (SYA)
- Earl Henry Airport (BWL)
- East 34th Street Heliport (TSS)
- East 60th Street Heliport (JRE)
- East Hampton Airport (HTO)
- East Texas Regional Airport (GGG)
- East Troy Municipal Airport (57C)
- Eastern Oregon Regional Airport (PDT)
- Eastern Sierra Regional Airport (BIH)
- Eastern Slopes Regional Airport (FRY)
- Eastern WV Regional Airport (MRB)
- Easterwood Airport (CLL)
- Eastland Municipal Airport (ETN)
- Easton Airport (ESN)
- Easton State Airport (ESW)
- Eastport Municipal Airport (EPM)
- Ed-Air Airport (OTN)
- Edward F. Knapp State Airport (MPV)
- Edward G. Pitka Sr. Airport (GAL)
- Edwards Air Force Base (EDW)
- Eek Airport (EEK)
- Egegik Airport (EGX)
- Egegik Airport (EII)
- Eielson Air Force Base (EIL)
- Ekuk Airport (KKU)
- Ekwok Airport (KEK)
- El Paso International Airport (ELP)
- El Reno Regional Airport (RQO)
- Elfin Cove Seaplane Base (ELV)
- Elim Airport (ELI)
- Elizabeth City Regional Airport (ECG)
- Elizabeth Field (FID)
- Elizabethton Municipal Airport (0A9)
- Elizabethtown Regional Airport (EKX)
- Elk City Regional Business Airport (ELK)
- Elkhart Municipal Airport (EKI)
- Elkin Municipal Airport (ZEF)
- Elkins-Randolph Co-Jennings Randolph Field Airport (EKN)
- Elko Regional Airport (EKO)
- Ellamar Seaplane Base (ELW)
- Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base (EFD)
- Ellsworth Air Force Base (RCA)
- Elmendorf Air Force Base (EDF)
- Elmira Corning Regional Airport (ELM)
- Ely Airport (ELY)
- Ely Municipal Airport (LYU)
- Emeryville Heliport (JEM)
- Emmonak Airport (EMK)
- Emmonak Airport (ENM)
- Emporia Municipal Airport (EMP)
- Enid Woodring Regional Airport (WDG)
- Enterprise Municipal Airport (ETS)
- Entrance Island Seaplane Base (HBH)
- Ephraim-Fish Creek Airport (3D2)
- Ephrata Municipal Airport (EPH)
- Eppley Airfield (OMA)
- Erie International Airport (ERI)
- Erie-Ottawa International Airport (PCW)
- Ernest A. Love Field (PRC)
- Errol Airport (ERR)
- Esler Regional Airport (ESF)
- Essex County Airport (CDW)
- Estherville Municipal Airport (EST)
- Eugene Airport (EUG)
- Eureka Airport (EUE)
- Evanston-Uinta County Burns Field (EVW)
- Evansville Regional Airport (EVV)
- Eveleth-Virginia Municipal Airport (EVM)
- Everett–Stewart Regional Airport (UCY)
- Everglades Airpark (X01)
- Excursion Inlet Seaplane Base (EXI)
- Fairbanks International Airport (FAI)
- Fairbury Municipal Airport (FBY)
- Fairchild Air Force Base (SKA)
- Fairfax Airport (KCK)
- Fairfield Municipal Airport (FFL)
- Fairmont Municipal Airport (FRM)
- Falcon Field (FFZ)
- Fallon Municipal Airport (FLX)
- Falls International Airport (INL)
- False Island Seaplane Base (FAK)
- False Pass Airport (KFP)
- False River Regional Airport (HZR)
- Farewell Airport (FWL)
- Faribault Municipal Airport (FBL)
- Farmington Regional Airport (FAM)
- Fayetteville Municipal Airport (FYM)
- Fayetteville Regional Airport (FAY)
- Felker Army Air Field (FAF)
- Felts Field (SFF)
- Fergus Falls Municipal Airport (FFM)
- Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport (FHB)
- Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport (55J)
- Ferndale Resort Seaplane Base (CKE)
- Ferry County Airport (R49)
- Fillmore Municipal Airport (FIL)
- Findlay Airport (FDY)
- Fingerlakes Regional Airport (0G7)
- First Flight Airport (FFA)
- Fitchburg Municipal Airport (FIT)
- Fitzgerald Municipal Airport (FZG)
- Five Finger Coast Guard Heliport (FIV)
- Five Mile Airport (FMC)
- Flabob Airport (RIR)
- Flagler County Airport (XFL)
- Flagstaff Pulliam Airport (FLG)
- Flat Airport (FLT)
- Fletcher Field (CKM)
- Florence Airport (6S2)
- Florence Regional Airport (FLO)
- Florida Keys Marathon International Airport (MTH)
- Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport (GFL)
- Flying Cloud Airport (FCM)
- Fond du Lac County Airport (FLD)
- Foothills Regional Airport (MRN)
- Ford Airport (IMT)
- Forest City Municipal Airport (FXY)
- Forest Lake Airport (25D)
- Forrest City Municipal Airport (FCY)
- Fort Bragg Airport (FOB)
- Fort Bridger Airport (FBR)
- Fort Dodge Regional Airport (FOD)
- Fort Jefferson Airport (RBN)
- Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE)
- Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL)
- Fort Lee Army Airfield (FLE)
- Fort Madison Municipal Airport (FMS)
- Fort Scott Municipal Airport (FSK)
- Fort Smith Regional Airport (YSM)
- Fort Smith Regional Airport (FSM)
- Fort Stockton-Pecos County Airport (FST)
- Fort Sumner Municipal Airport (FSU)
- Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA)
- Fort Worth Alliance Airport (AFW)
- Fort Worth Meacham International Airport (FTW)
- Fort Yukon Airport (FYU)
- Fortman Airport (1OH)
- Foster Field Airport (7A4)
- Four Corners Regional Airport (FMN)
- Francis E. Warren Air Force Base (FEW)
- Francis S. Gabreski Airport (FOK)
- Franklin County Airport (UOS)
- Franklin Municipal–John Beverly Rose Airport (FKN)
- Frasca Field (C16)
- Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9)
- Frederick Municipal Airport (FDK)
- Frederick Regional Airport (FDR)
- Freeman Municipal Airport (SER)
- Fremont County Airport (CNE)
- Fremont Municipal Airport (FET)
- French Lick Municipal Airport (FRH)
- French Valley Airport (RBK)
- Fresno Chandler Executive Airport (FCH)
- Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT)
- Friday Harbor Airport (FRD)
- Friday Harbor Seaplane Base (FBS)
- Friedman Memorial Airport (SUN)
- Front Royal-Warren County Airport (FRR)
- Fullerton Municipal Airport (FUL)
- Fulton County Airport (RCR)
- Fulton County Airport (FTY)
- Fulton County Airport (USE)
- Funter Bay Seaplane Base (FNR)
- Furnace Creek Airport (DTH)
- Furnace Creek Airport (L06)
- Gabbs Airport (GAB)
- Gage Airport (GAG)
- Gainesville Municipal Airport (GLE)
- Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV)
- Galbraith Lake Airport (GBH)
- Galesburg Municipal Airport (GBG)
- Galion Municipal Airport (GQQ)
- Galleria Heliport (JGL)
- Gallup Municipal Airport (GUP)
- Galt Airport (10C)
- Gambell Airport (GAM)
- Gansner Field (GNF)
- Garden City Regional Airport (GCK)
- Garden County Airport (OKS)
- Gardner Municipal Airport (GDM)
- Garfield County Regional Airport (RIL)
- Garland Airport (8M8)
- Garner Field (UVA)
- Gary/Chicago International Airport (GYY)
- Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport (GKT)
- Gaylord Regional Airport (GLR)
- General Mitchell International Airport (MKE)
- General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport (PIA)
- General William J. Fox Airfield (WJF)
- Genesee County Airport (GVQ)
- George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH)
- George Downer Airport (AIV)
- George R. Carr Memorial Air Field (BXA)
- George T. Lewis Airport (CDK)
- Georgetown County Airport (GGE)
- Georgetown Municipal Airport (GTU)
- Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GRR)
- Germack Airport (7D9)
- Gettysburg Regional Airport (GTY)
- Gibson County Airport (TGC)
- Gila Bend Municipal Airport (E63)
- Gillespie Field (SEE)
- Gillette-Campbell County Airport (GCC)
- Gilmer County Airport (49A)
- Girdwood Airport (AQY)
- Glacier Creek Airport (KGZ)
- Glacier Park International Airport (FCA)
- Gladwin Zettel Memorial Airport (GDW)
- Glasgow Airport (GGW)
- Glasgow Municipal Airport (GLW)
- Glendale Fokker Field Airport (GWV)
- Glendale Heliport (JGX)
- Glendale Municipal Airport (GEU)
- Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport (GWS)
- Godman Army Airfield (FTK)
- Gogebic-Iron County Airport (IWD)
- Gold Beach Municipal Airport (GOL)
- Golden Horn Lodge Seaplane Base (GDH)
- Golden Triangle Regional Airport (GTR)
- Golovin Airport (GLV)
- Goodfellow Air Force Base (GOF)
- Goodland Municipal Airport (GLD)
- Goodnews Airport (GNU)
- Gordon K. Bush Airport (ATO)
- Gordon Municipal Airport (GRN)
- Gordonsville Municipal Airport (GVE)
- Goshen Municipal Airport (GSH)
- Graham Municipal Airport (RPH)
- Grand Canyon Caverns Airport (PGS)
- Grand Canyon Heliport (JGC)
- Grand Canyon National Park Airport (GCN)
- Grand Canyon West Airport (GCW)
- Grand Coulee Dam Airport (GCD)
- Grand Forks AFB (RDR)
- Grand Forks International Airport (GFK)
- Grand Geneva Resort Airport (C02)
- Grand Glaize-Osage Beach Airport (OSB)
- Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT)
- Grand Marais/Cook County Airport (GRM)
- Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport (GPZ)
- Grand Strand Airport (CRE)
- Granite Mountain Air Station (GMT)
- Grant County Airport (SVC)
- Grant County Airport (PGC)
- Grant County International Airport (MWH)
- Grant County Regional Airport (JDA)
- Grants Pass Airport (GTP)
- Grants-Milan Municipal Airport (GNT)
- Grantsburg Municipal Airport (GTG)
- Gratiot Community Airport (AMN)
- Gray Army Airfield (GRF)
- Grayling Airport (KGX)
- Great Bend Municipal Airport (GBD)
- Great Bend Municipal Airport (GBN)
- Great Falls International Airport (GTF)
- Greater Binghamton Airport (BGM)
- Greater Cumberland Regional Airport (CBE)
- Greater Kankakee Airport (IKK)
- Greater Portsmouth Regional Airport (PMH)
- Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC)
- Greater Rochester International Airport (BMG)
- Greeley-Weld County Airport (GXY)
- Greenbrier Valley Airport (LWB)
- Greene County Airport (WAY)
- Greeneville-Greene County Municipal Airport (GCY)
- Greenlee County Airport (CFT)
- Greenville Airport (GRE)
- Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)
- Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP)
- Greenway Plaza Heliport (JGP)
- Greenwood County Airport (GRD)
- Greenwood-Leflore Airport (GWO)
- Grider Field Airport (PBF)
- Griffin-Spalding County Airport (6A2)
- Griffing Sandusky Airport (SKY)
- Griffiss International Airport (RME)
- Grissom Air Reserve Base (GUS)
- Groton-New London Airport (GON)
- Grove City Airport (29D)
- Grove Municipal Airport (GMJ)
- Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport (GPT)
- Gulkana Airport (GKN)
- Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport (GUC)
- Gustavus Airport (GST)
- Guthrie-Edmond Regional Airport (GOK)
- Guymon Municipal Airport (GUY)
- Gwinner-Roger Melroe Field (GWR)
- Gwinnett County Airport (LZU)
- H. H. Coffield Regional Airport (RCK)
- Hagerstown Regional Airport (HGR)
- Hagler Army Airfield Airport (SLJ)
- Haines Airport (HNS)
- Hale County Airport (PVW)
- Half Moon Bay Airport (HAF)
- Halifax County Airport (RZZ)
- Halliburton Field (DUC)
- Hamburg Inc Airport (4G2)
- Hampton Municipal Airport (HPT)
- Hana Airport (HNM)
- Hanchey Army Heliport (HEY)
- Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport (BHB)
- Hanksville Airport (HVE)
- Hanscom Field (BED)
- Harbor Springs Municipal Airport (MGN)
- Hardwick Field (HDI)
- Harford County Airport (0W3)
- Harold Davidson Field Airport (VMR)
- Harrell Field (CDH)
- Harriet Alexander Field (SLT)
- Harris County Airport (PIM)
- Harrisburg International Airport (MDT)
- Harrisburg Transportation Center (ZUG)
- Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport (HSB)
- Harrison County Airport (ASL)
- Harry Clever Field (PHD)
- Harry P. Williams Memorial Airport (PTN)
- Harry Stern Airport (WAH)
- Hartford Union Station (ZRT)
- Hartford-Brainard Airport (HFD)
- Hartness State Airport (VSF)
- Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
- Hartsville Regional Airport (HVS)
- Hastings Municipal Airport (HSI)
- Hatbox Field (HAX)
- Hattiesburg Bobby L. Chain Municipal Airpor (HBG)
- Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional Airport (PIB)
- Havre City–County Airport (HVR)
- Hawk Inlet Seaplane Base (HWI)
- Hawkins Field (HKS)
- Hawthorne Industrial Airport (HTH)
- Hawthorne Municipal Airport (HHR)
- Haycock Airport (HAY)
- Hays Regional Airport (HYS)
- Hayward Executive Airport (HWD)
- Hazleton Municipal Airport (HZL)
- Healy River Airport (HKB)
- Heber City Municipal Airport (36U)
- Hector International Airport (FAR)
- Helena Regional Airport (HLN)
- Hemet-Ryan Airport (HMT)
- Henderson Executive Airport (HSH)
- Henderson Field (MDY)
- Henry County Airport (PHT)
- Henry Post Army Airfield (FSI)
- Henry Tift Myers Airport (TMA)
- Herendeen Bay Airport (HED)
- Hermiston Municipal Airport (HES)
- Hesler-Noble Field (LUL)
- Hickam Field (HIK)
- Hickory Regional Airport (HKY)
- Hill Air Force Base (HIF)
- Hill City Municipal Airport (HLC)
- Hillenbrand Industries Airport (HLB)
- Hillsboro Airport (HIO)
- Hilo International Airport (ITO)
- Hilton Head Airport (HXD)
- Hilton Head Airport (HHH)
- Hobart Regional Airport (HBR)
- Hog River Airport (HGZ)
- Holbrook Municipal Airport (HBK)
- Hollis Seaplane Base (HYL)
- Hollister Municipal Airport (HLI)
- Holloman Air Force Base (HMN)
- Holy Cross Airport (HCR)
- Homer Airport (HOM)
- Homestead Air Reserve Base (HST)
- Honolulu International Airport (HNL)
- Hood Army Airfield (HLR)
- Hooker County Airport (MHN)
- Hoonah Airport (HNH)
- Hooper Bay Airport (HPB)
- Hot Springs County-Thermopolis Municipal Airport (THP)
- Houghton County Memorial Airport (CMX)
- Houlton International Airport (HUL)
- Houma-Terrebonne Airport (HUM)
- Houston - All Airports (QHO)
- Houston Central Business District Heliport (JDX)
- Hughes Airport (HUS)
- Humboldt Municipal Airport (HUD)
- Hunter Army Airfield (SVN)
- Huntingburg Airport (HNB)
- Huntsville International Airport (HSV)
- Huntsville Regional Airport (HTV)
- Huron Regional Airport (HON)
- Huslia Airport (HSL)
- Hutchinson County Airport (BGD)
- Hutchinson Municipal Airport (HUT)
- Hydaburg Seaplane Base (HYG)
- Hyder Seaplane Base (WHD)
- Icy Bay Airport (ICY)
- Ida Grove Municipal Airport (IDG)
- Idaho County Airport (IDH)
- Idaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA)
- Igiugig Airport (IGG)
- Iliamna Airport (ILI)
- Illinois Valley Regional Airport (VYS)
- Immokalee Regional Airport (IMM)
- Imperial County Airport (IPL)
- Imperial Municipal Airport (IML)
- Independence Municipal Airport (IDP)
- Indian Mountain LRRS Airport (UTO)
- Indiana County–Jimmy Stewart Airport (IDI)
- Indianapolis International Airport (IND)
- Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport (UMP)
- Indianapolis Regional Airport (MQJ)
- Indianola Municipal Airport (IDL)
- Indy South Greenwood Airport (YZX)
- Ingalls Field Airport (HSP)
- Inyokern Airport (IYK)
- Iosco County Airport-6d9 (ECA)
- Iowa City Municipal Airport (IOW)
- Iowa County Airport (MRJ)
- Iowa Falls Municipal Airport (IFA)
- Iraan Municipal Airport (IRB)
- Isbell Field Airport (4A9)
- Island Heliport (JHC)
- Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ITH)
- Ivanof Bay Seaplane Base (KIB)
- Jack Brooks Regional Airport (BPT)
- Jack Browns Seaplane Base (F57)
- Jack Edwards Airport (GUF)
- Jack Edwards Airport (JKA)
- Jackpot Airport (KPT)
- Jackson County Airport (19A)
- Jackson County Airport (JXN)
- Jackson Hole Airport (JAC)
- Jackson Municipal Airport (MJQ)
- Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport (CRG)
- Jacksonville International Airport (JAX)
- Jacksonville Municipal Airport (IJX)
- Jackson–Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport (JAN)
- Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport (TRM)
- Jaffrey Airport - Silver Ranch Airpark (AFN)
- James M. Cox Dayton International Airport (DAY)
- Jamestown Regional Airport (JMS)
- Jasper County Airport (RNZ)
- Jasper County Airport (JAS)
- Jefferson City Memorial Airport (JEF)
- Jefferson County Airpark (2G2)
- Jefferson County International Airport (TWD)
- Jefferson County International Airport (0S9)
- Jefferson Municipal Airport (EFW)
- Jekyll Island Airport (09J)
- Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport (NLE)
- Jesup-Wayne County Airport (JES)
- Jim Hamilton–L.B. Owens Airport (CUB)
- Jim Kelly Field (LXN)
- John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
- John F. Kennedy Memorial Airport (ASX)
- John H. Batten Airport (RAC)
- John Murtha Johnstown–Cambria County Airpor (JST)
- John Wayne Airport (OMH)
- John Wayne International Airport (SNA)
- Johnson County Airport (BYG)
- Johnson County Executive Airport (OJC)
- Johnston Atoll Airport (JON)
- Joint Base Anacostia–Bolling (BOF)
- Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst (WRI)
- Joint Forces Training Base - Los Alamitos (SLI)
- Joliet Regional Airport (JOT)
- Jonesboro Municipal Airport (JBR)
- Joplin Regional Airport (JLN)
- Jordan Airport (JDN)
- Joseph A. Hardy Connellsville Airport (VVS)
- Joseph R. Biden Jr. Railroad Station (ZWI)
- Juneau International Airport (JNU)
- Kahului Airport (OGG)
- Kake Airport (KAE)
- Kake Airport (AFE)
- Kalaeloa Airport (JRF)
- Kalakaket Creek Air Station (KKK)
- Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport (AZO)
- Kalaupapa Airport (LUP)
- Kalskag Airport (KLG)
- Kaltag Airport (KAL)
- Kanab Municipal Airport (KNB)
- Kansas City International Airport (MCI)
- Kapalua Airport (JHM)
- Karluk Airport (KYK)
- Karluk Lake Seaplane Base (KKL)
- Kasaan Seaplane Base (KXA)
- Kasigluk Airport (KUK)
- Kearney Regional Airport (EAR)
- Keesler Air Force Base (BIX)
- Kegelman Air Force Auxiliary Field (CKA)
- Kelly Field Annex (SKF)
- Kemmerer Municipal Airport (EMM)
- Kenai Municipal Airport (ENA)
- Kenmore Air Harbor Seaplane Base (LKE)
- Kenmore Air Harbor, Inc (KEH)
- Kennett Memorial Airport (KNT)
- Kenosha Regional Airport (ENW)
- Kent State University Airport (1G3)
- Kentland Municipal Airport (KKT)
- Keokuk Municipal Airport (EOK)
- Kerrville Municipal Airport (ERV)
- Ketchikan Harbor Seaplane Base (WFB)
- Ketchikan International Airport (KTN)
- Key West International Airport (EYW)
- Kickapoo Downtown Airport (KIP)
- Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport (GRK)
- Kimble County Airport (JCT)
- Kincheloe Air Force Base (INR)
- King County International Airport (BFI)
- King Cove Airport (KVC)
- King Salmon Airport (AKN)
- Kingman Airport (IGM)
- Kinston Regional Jetport (ISO)
- Kipnuk Airport (KPN)
- Kirk Field (PGR)
- Kirksville Regional Airport (IRK)
- Kirsch Municipal Airport (IRS)
- Kirtland Air Force Base Airport (IKR)
- Kissimmee Municipal Airport (ISM)
- Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base (KKB)
- Kivalina Airport (KVL)
- Klawock Airport (KLW)
- Klawock Airport (AKW)
- Klawock Seaplane Base Airport (AQC)
- Knox County Regional Airport (RKD)
- Knoxville Downtown Island Airport (DKX)
- Kobuk Airport (OBU)
- Kodiak Airport (ADQ)
- Kodiak Municipal Airport (KDK)
- Kokhanok Airport (KNK)
- Kokomo Municipal Airport (OKK)
- Koliganek Airport (KGK)
- Kona International Airport (KOA)
- Kongiganak Airport (KKH)
- Kosciusko-Attala County Airport (OSX)
- Kotlik Airport (KOT)
- Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport (KKA)
- Koyukuk Airport (KYU)
- Kulik Lake Airport (LKK)
- Kwethluk Airport (KWT)
- Kwigillingok Airport (KWK)
- L. M. Clayton Airport (OLF)
- L. O. Simenstad Municipal Airport (OEO)
- La Crosse Regional Airport (LSE)
- La Grande/Union County Airport (LGD)
- La Junta Muni Airport (LHX)
- La Porte Municipal Airport (LPO)
- La Porte Municipal Airport (PPO)
- Laconia Municipal Airport (LCI)
- Ladd Army Airfield (FBK)
- Lafayette Regional Airport (LFT)
- LaGrange-Callaway Airport (LGC)
- LaGuardia Airport (LGA)
- Laguna Army Airfield (LGF)
- Lake Charles Regional Airport (LCH)
- Lake City Gateway Airport (LCQ)
- Lake County Airport (LKV)
- Lake County Airport (LXV)
- Lake Cumberland Regional Airport (SME)
- Lake Havasu City Airport (HII)
- Lake Hood Seaplane Base (LHD)
- Lake Placid Airport (LKP)
- Lake Tahoe Airport (TVL)
- Lake Wales Municipal Airport (X07)
- Lakefront Airport (NEW)
- Lakehurst Maxfield Field (NEL)
- Lakeland Airport (ARV)
- Lakeland Linder Regional Airport (LAL)
- Lakota Airport (LKT)
- Lamar Municipal Airport (LAA)
- Lambert-Saint Louis International Airport (STL)
- Lanai Airport (LNY)
- Lancaster Airport (LNS)
- Langley Field (LFI)
- Lansdowne Airport (04G)
- Lansing Municipal Airport (IGQ)
- Laramie Regional Airport (LAR)
- Laredo International Airport (LRD)
- Larned-Pawnee County Airport (LQR)
- Larsen Bay Airport (KLN)
- Las Cruces International Airport (LRU)
- Las Vegas Municipal Airport (LVS)
- Laughlin Air Force Base (DLF)
- Laurinburg-Maxton Airport (MXE)
- Laurinburg-Maxton Airport (MEB)
- Lava Falls Heliport (HAE)
- Lawrence County Airpark (HTW)
- Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport (MWC)
- Lawrence Municipal Airport (LWM)
- Lawrence Municipal Airport (LWC)
- Lawrenceville-Vincennes International Airport (LWV)
- Lawrenceville/Brunswick Municipal Airport (LVL)
- Lawson Army Airfield (LSF)
- Lawton-Fort Sill Regional Airport (LAW)
- LBJ Ranch Airport (JCY)
- Le Mars Municipal Airport (LRJ)
- Lea County Regional Airport (HOB)
- Lebanon Municipal Airport (LEB)
- Lee Airport (ANP)
- Lee C. Fine Memorial Airport (AIZ)
- Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport (GVL)
- Leesburg Executive Airport (JYO)
- Leesburg International Airport (LEE)
- Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)
- Lemhi County Airport (SMN)
- Lemmon Municipal Airport (LEM)
- Lenawee County Airport (ADG)
- Levelock Airport (KLL)
- Lewis University Airport (LOT)
- Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport (LWS)
- Lewistown Municipal Airport (LWT)
- Liberal Mid-America Regional Airport (LBL)
- Lihue Airport (LIH)
- Lima Allen County Airport (AOH)
- Lime Village Airport (LVD)
- Limon Municipal Airport (LIC)
- Lincoln Airport (LNK)
- Linden Airport (LDJ)
- Little Rock Air Force Base (LRF)
- Livengood Camp Airport (LIV)
- Livermore Municipal Airport (LVK)
- Logan International Airport (BOS)
- Logan-Cache Airport (LGU)
- Lompoc Airport (LPC)
- London-Corbin Airport (LOZ)
- Lonesome Pine Airport (LNP)
- Long Beach Airport (LGB)
- Long Beach Heliport (JLB)
- Long Island MacArthur Airport (ISP)
- Long Lake Helms Seaplane Base (NY9)
- Lopez Island Airport (LPS)
- Lorain County Regional Airport (LPR)
- Lordsburg Municipal Airport (LSB)
- Loring International Airport (LIZ)
- Los Alamos County Airport (LAM)
- Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
- Los Angeles Union Station Heliport (JLX)
- Los Banos Municipal Airport (LSN)
- Lost Nation Airport (LNN)
- Lost River 1 Airport (LSR)
- Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY)
- Louisa County Airport (LOW)
- Louisville International Airport (SDF)
- Louisville Winston County Airport (LMS)
- Lowcountry Regional Airport (RBW)
- Lowe Army Heliport (LOR)
- Lowell City Airport (24C)
- Lt. Warren Eaton Airport (OIC)
- Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport (LBB)
- Luce County Airport (ERY)
- Luke Air Force Base (LUF)
- Lumberton Municipal Airport (LBT)
- Lusk Airport (LSK)
- Lynchburg Regional Airport (LYH)
- Lynden Airport (38W)
- Lyons-Rice County Municipal Airport (LYO)
- M. Graham Clark - Taney County Airport (PLK)
- MacDill Air Force Base (MCF)
- Machias Valley Airport (MVM)
- Mackinac Island Airport (MCD)
- Macomb Municipal Airport (MQB)
- Macon Downtown Airport (MAC)
- Madera Municipal Airport (MAE)
- Madison County Airport (UYF)
- Madison GA Municipal Airport (52A)
- Madison Municipal Airport (MDN)
- Madison Municipal Airport (XMD)
- Madras Municipal Airport (MDJ)
- Magic Valley Regional Airport (TWF)
- Magnolia Municipal Airport (AGO)
- Majors Airport (GVT)
- Malad City Airport (MLD)
- Malcolm McKinnon Airport (SSI)
- Malden Regional Airport (MAW)
- Malmstrom Air Force Base (GFA)
- Malone-Dufort Airport (MAL)
- Mammoth Yosemite Airport (MMH)
- Manassas Regional Airport (MNZ)
- Manassas Regional Airport (HEF)
- Manchester–Boston Regional Airport (MHT)
- Manhattan Regional Airport (MHK)
- Manila Municipal Airport (MXA)
- Manistee County Blacker Airport (MBL)
- Manitowoc County Airport (MTW)
- Mankato Municipal Heliport (JMN)
- Mankato Regional Airport (MKT)
- Manley Hot Springs Airport (MLY)
- Manokotak Airport (KMO)
- Mansfield Lahm Regional Airport (MFD)
- Mansfield Municipal Airport (1B9)
- Manti-Ephraim Airport (NTJ)
- Marana Regional Airport (AVW)
- March Air Reserve Base (RIV)
- Marco Island Airport (MRK)
- Marfa Municipal Airport (MRF)
- Marin County Airport (NOT)
- Marina Municipal Airport (OAR)
- Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico (NYG)
- Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (NKT)
- Marine Corps Air Station El Toro (NZJ)
- Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay (NGF)
- Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (NKX)
- Marion County - Rankin Fite Airport (HAB)
- Marion County Regional Airport (FLP)
- Marion Municipal Airport (MNN)
- Marion Municipal Airport (MZZ)
- Mariposa-Yosemite Airport (MPI)
- Mark Anton Airport (2A0)
- Market Centre Heliport (JMD)
- Marksville Municipal Airport (MKV)
- Marlboro County Jetport (BTN)
- Marshall Army Airfield (FRI)
- Marshall Don Hunter Sr. Airport (MLL)
- Marshall Memorial Municipal Airport (MHL)
- Marshalltown Municipal Airport (MIW)
- Marshfield Municipal Airport (MFI)
- Marshfield Municipal Airport (GHG)
- Martha's Vineyard Airport (MVY)
- Martin Campbell Field (1A3)
- Martin State Airport (MTN)
- Marysville Municipal Airport (MYZ)
- Mason City Municipal Airport (MCW)
- Mason County Airport (LDM)
- Mason Jewett Field (TEW)
- Massena International Airport (MSS)
- Maury County Airport (MRC)
- Maverick County Memorial International Airport (EGP)
- Maxson Airfield (AXB)
- Maxwell Air Force Base (MXF)
- May Creek Airport (MYK)
- MBS International Airport (MBS)
- McAlester Regional Airport (MLC)
- McAllen-Miller International Airport (MFE)
- McCall Municipal Airport (MYL)
- McCarran International Airport (LAS)
- McCarthy Airport (MXY)
- McChord AFB (TCM)
- McClellan Airfield (MCC)
- McClellan-Palomar Airport (CLD)
- McComb-Pike County Airport (MCB)
- McConnell Air Force Base (IAB)
- McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport (MCK)
- McEntire Joint National Guard Base (MMT)
- McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS)
- McGrath Airport (MCG)
- McKellar-Sipes Regional Airport (MKL)
- McKinley National Park Airport (MCL)
- McMinn County Airport (MMI)
- McMinnville Municipal Airport (MMV)
- McNary Field (SLE)
- McPherson Airport (MPR)
- Meade Municipal Airport (MEJ)
- Meadows Field Airport (BFL)
- Medfra Airport (MDR)
- Mefford Field (TLR)
- Mekoryuk Airport (MYU)
- Melbourne Orlando International Airport (MLB)
- Memorial Field Airport (HOT)
- Memphis International Airport (MEM)
- Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport (MEZ)
- Menominee-Marinette Twin County Airport (MNM)
- Merced Regional Airport (MCE)
- Mercer County Airport (West Virginia) (BLF)
- Meridian Regional Airport (MEI)
- Merle K. (Mudhole) Smith Airport (CDV)
- Merrill Field Airport (MRI)
- Merrill Municipal Airport (RRL)
- Merritt Island Airport (COI)
- Mesa Del Rey Airport (KIC)
- Metlakatla Seaplane Base (MTM)
- Metro Field (MTX)
- Mettel Field (CEV)
- Mexia - Limestone County Airport (LXY)
- Miami Downtown Heliport (JDM)
- Miami Executive Airport (TMB)
- Miami International Airport (MIA)
- Miami Municipal Airport (MIO)
- Miami Seaplane Base (MPB)
- Miami University Airport (OXD)
- Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport (OPF)
- Michael Army Airfield (DPG)
- Michael J. Smith Field (MRH)
- Michigan City Municipal Airport (MGC)
- Mid State Regional Airport (PSB)
- Mid-Delta Regional Airport (GLH)
- Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport (PKB)
- MidAmerica St. Louis Airport (BLV)
- MidCoast Regional Airport at Wright Army Airfield (LIY)
- Middle Georgia Regional Airport (MCN)
- Middleton Island Airport (MDO)
- Middletown Regional Airport (MWO)
- Midland Airpark (MDD)
- Midland International Air and Space Port (MAF)
- Midway International Airport (MDW)
- Mifflin County Airport (RVL)
- Miles City Airport (MLS)
- Milford Municipal Airport (MLF)
- Millard Airport (MIQ)
- Miller Field (VTN)
- Millington Regional Jetport (NQA)
- Millinocket Municipal Airport (MLT)
- Millville Municipal Airport (MIV)
- Minchumina Airport (LMA)
- Minchumina Airport (MHM)
- Minden-Tahoe Airport (MEV)
- Mineral Wells Airport (MWL)
- Minneapolis Downtown Heliport (JDT)
- Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP)
- Minot Air Force Base (MIB)
- Minot International Airport (MOT)
- Minto Al Wright Airport (MNT)
- Mission Field (LVM)
- Missoula International Airport (MSO)
- Mitchell Municipal Airport (MHE)
- Mobile Downtown Airport (BFM)
- Mobile Regional Airport (MOB)
- Mobridge Municipal Airport (MBG)
- Modesto City-County Airport (MOD)
- Moffett Federal Airfield (NUQ)
- Mojave Air and Space Port (MHV)
- Molokai Airport (MKK)
- Mondell Field Airport (ECS)
- Monmouth Executive Airport (BLM)
- Monroe County Airport (MVC)
- Monroe Regional Airport (MLU)
- Montague Airport-Yreka Rohrer Field (RKC)
- Montauk Airport (MTP)
- Monterey Regional Airport (MRY)
- Montevideo-Chippewa County Airport (MVE)
- Montgomery County Airpark (GAI)
- Montgomery Field Airport (MYF)
- Montgomery Regional Airport (MGM)
- Monticello Regional Airport (MXO)
- Montrose Regional Airport (MTJ)
- Monument Valley Airport (GMV)
- Moody Air Force Base (VAD)
- Moore County Airport (SOP)
- Moore-Murrell Airport (MOR)
- Morgantown Airport (O03)
- Morgantown Municipal Airport (MGW)
- Morris Municipal Airport (MOX)
- Morristown Municipal Airport (MMU)
- Morrisville-Stowe State Airport (MVL)
- Morrow Field (RTO)
- Moser Bay Seaplane Base (KMY)
- Moton Field Municipal Airport (06A)
- Moultrie Municipal Airport (MGR)
- Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport (MOP)
- Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport (MPZ)
- Mount Vernon Airport (MVN)
- Mount Washington Regional Airport (HIE)
- Mountain Empire Airport (MKJ)
- Mountain Home Air Force Base (MUO)
- Mountain Home Municipal Airport (U76)
- Mountain View Airport (MNF)
- Mountain Village Airport (MOU)
- Muir Army Airfield (MUI)
- Murray Field (EKA)
- Murray-Calloway County Airport (CEY)
- Muscatine Municipal Airport (MUT)
- Muskegon County Airport (MKG)
- Mustang Beach Airport (RAS)
- Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR)
- Naknek Airport (NNK)
- Nantucket Memorial Airport (ACK)
- Nanwalek Airport (KEB)
- Napa County Airport (APC)
- Napakiak Airport (WNA)
- Napaskiak Airport (PKA)
- Naples Municipal Airport (APF)
- Nartron Field (RCT)
- NASA Crows Landing Airport (NRC)
- Nashua Airport (ASH)
- Nashville International Airport (BNA)
- Natchez-Adams County Airport (HEZ)
- Naval Air Facility El Centro (NJK)
- Naval Air Station Brunswick (NHZ)
- Naval Air Station Cecil Field (NZC)
- Naval Air Station Corpus Christi (NGP)
- Naval Air Station Fallon (NFL)
- Naval Air Station Glenview (NBU)
- Naval Air Station Jacksonville (NIP)
- Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth (FWH)
- Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans (NBG)
- Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (NXX)
- Naval Air Station Key West (NQX)
- Naval Air Station Kingsville (NQI)
- Naval Air Station Lemoore (NLC)
- Naval Air Station Meridian (NMM)
- Naval Air Station North Island (NZY)
- Naval Air Station Oceana (NTU)
- Naval Air Station Patuxent River (NHK)
- Naval Air Station Pensacola (NPA)
- Naval Air Station Point Mugu (NTD)
- Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NUW)
- Naval Air Station Whiting Field – North (NSE)
- Naval Outlying Field Barin (NHX)
- Naval Outlying Landing Field (NEN)
- Naval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach (NRS)
- Naval Station Mayport (NRB)
- Naval Station Norfolk (NGU)
- Needles Airport (EED)
- Neil Armstrong Airport (AXV)
- Neillsville Municipal Airport (VIQ)
- Nellis Air Force Base (LSV)
- Nelson Lagoon Airport (NLG)
- Nenana Municipal Airport (ENN)
- Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport (EOS)
- Nephi Municipal Airport (NPH)
- Nervino Airport (NVN)
- Nevada Municipal Airport (NVD)
- New Bedford Regional Airport (EWB)
- New Carrollton Rail Station (ZRZ)
- New Castle-Henry County Municipal Airport (UWL)
- New Century AirCenter (JCI)
- New Coalinga Municipal Airport (CLG)
- New Haven Railroad Station (ZVE)
- New Richmond Regional Airport (RNH)
- New River Valley Airport (PSK)
- New Stuyahok Airport (KNW)
- New Ulm Municipal Airport (ULM)
- New York City - All Airports (NYC)
- New York Skyports Inc. Seaplane Base (QNY)
- Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
- Newark Penn Station (ZRP)
- Newark-Heath Airport (VTA)
- Newport Beach Heliport (JNP)
- Newport Municipal Airport (ONP)
- Newport News Williamsburg International Airport (PHF)
- Newport State Airport (EFK)
- Newport State Airport (UUU)
- Newport State Airport (NPT)
- Newtok Airport (WWT)
- Newton City/County Airport (EWK)
- Newton Municipal Airport (TNU)
- Niagara Falls International Airport (IAG)
- Nightmute Airport (NME)
- Nikolai Airport (NIB)
- Nikolski Air Station (IKO)
- Ninilchik Airport (NIN)
- Noatak Airport (WTK)
- Nogales International Airport (OLS)
- Nome Airport (OME)
- Nondalton Airport (NNL)
- Norfolk International Airport (ORF)
- Norfolk Regional Airport (OFK)
- Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport (SJC)
- North Central State Airport (SFZ)
- North Central West Virginia Airport (CKB)
- North Las Vegas Airport (VGT)
- North Perry Airport (HWO)
- North Platte Regional Airport (LBF)
- North Texas Regional Airport / Perrin Field (PNX)
- North Whale Seaplane Base (WWP)
- Northeast Alabama Regional Airport (GAD)
- Northeast Florida Regional Airport (SGJ)
- Northeast Iowa Regional Airport (CCY)
- Northeast Ohio Regional Airport (JFN)
- Northeast Philadelphia Airport (PNE)
- Northeastern Regional Airport (EDE)
- Northern Aroostook Regional Airport (WFK)
- Northern Colorado Regional Airport (FNL)
- Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)
- Northstar Heliport (PUO)
- Northway Airport (ORT)
- Northwest Alabama Regional Airport (MSL)
- Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA)
- Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)
- Norwood Memorial Airport (OWD)
- Nueces County Airport (RBO)
- Nuiqsut Airport (NUI)
- Nulato Airport (NUL)
- Nunapitchuk Airport (NUP)
- Nut Tree Airport (VCB)
- O'Hare International Airport (ORD)
- O'Neal Airport (OEA)
- O'Sullivan Army Heliport (CSL)
- Oakdale Airport (O27)
- Oakdale Airport (ODC)
- Oakland Convention Center Heliport (JCE)
- Oakland County International Airport (PTK)
- Oakland International Airport (OAK)
- Oakley Municipal Airport (OEL)
- Ocala International Airport (OCF)
- Ocean City Municipal Airport (OCE)
- Ocean Reef Club Airport (OCA)
- Ocean Ridge Airport (E55)
- Oceanside Municipal Airport (OCN)
- Oconee County Regional Airport (CEU)
- Odell Williamson Municipal Airport (60J)
- Offutt Air Force Base (OFF)
- Ogden-Hinckley Airport (OGD)
- Ogdensburg International Airport (OGS)
- Ohio State University Airport (OSU)
- Ohkay Owingeh Airport (ESO)
- Okeechobee County Airport (OBE)
- Okmulgee Regional Airport (OKM)
- Old Harbor Airport (OLH)
- Old Town Municipal Airport and Seaplane Base (OLD)
- Olga Bay Seaplane Base (KOY)
- Olive Branch Airport (OLV)
- Olivia Regional Airport (OVL)
- Olney Municipal Airport (ONY)
- Olney-Noble Airport (OLY)
- Olympia Regional Airport (OLM)
- Omak Airport (OMK)
- Omar N. Bradley Airport (MBY)
- Oneonta Municipal Airport (ONH)
- Ontario International Airport (ONT)
- Ontario International Heliport (JIO)
- Ontario Municipal Airport (ONO)
- Orange City Municipal Airport (ORC)
- Orange County Airport (MGJ)
- Orangeburg Municipal Airport (OGB)
- Orcas Island Airport (ESD)
- Orlando Executive Airport (ORL)
- Orlando International Airport (MCO)
- Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB)
- Oroville Municipal Airport (OVE)
- Ortonville Municipal Airport (VVV)
- Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport (OSC)
- Oskaloosa Municipal Airport (OOA)
- Otis Air National Guard Base (FMH)
- Ottumwa Regional Airport (OTM)
- Ouzinkie Airport (KOZ)
- Owatonna Degner Regional Airport (OWA)
- Owensboro–Daviess County Regional Airport (OWB)
- Oxnard Airport (OXR)
- Ozona Municipal Airport (OZA)
- Pacific City State Airport (PFC)
- Pacific Missile Range Facility (BKH)
- Page Field (FMY)
- Page Municipal Airport (PGA)
- Palacios Municipal Airport (PSX)
- Palestine Municipal Airport (PSN)
- Palm Beach County Glades Airport (PHK)
- Palm Beach County Park Airport (LNA)
- Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)
- Palm Springs International Airport (PSP)
- Palmdale Regional Airport (PMD)
- Palmer Municipal Airport (PAQ)
- Palo Alto Airport (PAO)
- Panama City-Bay County International Airport (PFN)
- Pangborn Memorial Airport (EAT)
- Panguitch Municipal Airport (PNU)
- Park Falls Municipal Airport (PKF)
- Park Rapids Municipal Airport (PKD)
- Park Township Airport (HLM)
- Parker County Airport (WEA)
- Parlin Field (NWH)
- Pasadena Heliport (JPD)
- Paso Robles Municipal Airport (PRB)
- Patrick Air Force Base (COF)
- Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base (KPH)
- Payson Airport (PJB)
- Pearson Field (VUO)
- Pebbly Beach Seaplane Base (AVX)
- Pecos Municipal Airport (PEQ)
- Pedro Bay Airport (PDB)
- Pelican Seaplane Base (PEC)
- Pellston Regional Airport (PLN)
- Pembina Municipal Airport (PMB)
- Penn Station Airport (ZBP)
- Penn Valley Airport (SEG)
- Pennsylvania Station (ZYP)
- Pensacola International Airport (PNS)
- Pentagon Army Heliport (JPN)
- Perry County Municipal Airport (TEL)
- Perry Lefors Field (PPA)
- Perry Municipal Airport (PRO)
- Perry Stokes Airport (TAD)
- Perry-Foley Airport (40J)
- Perry-Foley Airport (FPY)
- Perryville Airport (KPV)
- Person County Airport (TDF)
- Peter O. Knight Airport (TPF)
- Petersburg James A. Johnson Airport (PSG)
- Petit Jean Park Airport (MPJ)
- Phifer Airfield (EAN)
- Philadelphia 30th St Station (ZFV)
- Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
- Philadelphia Municipal Airport (MPE)
- Philadelphia Seaplane Base (PSQ)
- Philip Airport (PHP)
- Philip Billard Municipal Airport (TOP)
- Phillips Army Airfield (APG)
- Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT)
- Phoenix Goodyear Airport (GYR)
- Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA)
- Picayune Municipal Airport (MJD)
- Pickens County Airport (LQK)
- Pickens County Airport (JZP)
- Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO)
- Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI)
- Pierre Regional Airport (PIR)
- Pilot Point Airport (PIP)
- Pilot Station Airport (PQS)
- Pinal Airpark (MZJ)
- Pine Island Airport (DUF)
- Pine Ridge Airport (IEN)
- Pitt-Greenville Airport (PGV)
- Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT)
- Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport (BTP)
- Pittsburgh-Monroeville Airport (4G0)
- Pittsfield Municipal Airport (PSF)
- Placerville Airport (PVF)
- Plantation Airpark Airport (JYL)
- Platinum Airport (PTU)
- Plattsburgh International Airport (PBG)
- Plymouth Municipal Airport (C65)
- Plymouth Municipal Airport (PLY)
- Plymouth Municipal Airport (PYM)
- Pocahontas Municipal Airport (POH)
- Pocatello Regional Airport (PIH)
- Pocono Mountains Municipal Airport (MPO)
- Point Baker Seaplane Base (KPB)
- Point Hope Airport (PHO)
- Point Lay LRRS Airport (PIZ)
- Point Lonely Short Range Radar Site (LNI)
- Point Roberts Airpark Airport (1RL)
- Polacca Airport (PXL)
- Polk Army Airfield (POE)
- Polk County Airport - Cornelius Moore Field Airport (4A4)
- Pompano Beach Airpark (PPM)
- Ponca City Regional Airport (PNC)
- Pope Field (GFD)
- Pope Field (POB)
- Poplar Bluff Municipal Airport (POF)
- Porcupine Creek Airport (PCK)
- Port Alexander Seaplane Base (PTD)
- Port Alice Seaplane Base (PTC)
- Port Allen Airport (PAK)
- Port Alsworth Airport (TPO)
- Port Alsworth Airport (PTA)
- Port Bailey Seaplane Base (KPY)
- Port Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport (17G)
- Port Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC)
- Port Graham Airport (PGM)
- Port Heiden Airport (PTH)
- Port Lions Airport (ORI)
- Port Moller Airport (PML)
- Port O'Connor Airfield Airport (S46)
- Port of Poulsbo Marina Moorage Seaplane Base (PUL)
- Port Protection Seaplane Base (PPV)
- Port Williams Seaplane Base (KPR)
- Portage Creek Airport (PCA)
- Portage Municipal Airport (C47)
- Porter County Municipal Airport (NPZ)
- Porter County Regional Airport (VPZ)
- Porterville Municipal Airport (PTV)
- Portland International Airport (PDX)
- Portland International Jetport (PWM)
- Portland-Troutdale Airport (TTD)
- Portsmouth International Airport at Pease (PSM)
- Pottstown Limerick Airport (PTW)
- Powell Municipal Airport (POY)
- Prairie du Chien Municipal Airport (PCD)
- Pratt Regional Airport (PTT)
- Prentice Airport (PRW)
- Princeton Airport (PCT)
- Princeton Junction Station (ZTJ)
- Princeton Municipal Airport (PNM)
- Princeton Municipal Airport (PNN)
- Princeville Airport (HPV)
- Prineville Airport (PRZ)
- Prospect Creek Airport (PPC)
- Providence Station (ZRV)
- Provincetown Municipal Airport (PVC)
- Provo Municipal Airport (PVU)
- Pryor Field Regional Airport (DCU)
- Pueblo Memorial Airport (PUB)
- Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport (PUW)
- Punta Gorda Airport (PGD)
- Purdue University Airport (LAF)
- Put-in-Bay Airport (3W2)
- Putnam County Airport (4I7)
- Quad City International Airport (MLI)
- Quakertown Airport (UKT)
- Quartz Creek Airport (JLA)
- Quillayute Airport (UIL)
- Quincy Municipal Airport (2J9)
- Quincy Regional Airport (UIN)
- Quinhagak Airport (KWN)
- Quonset State Airport (OQU)
- Raleigh County Memorial Airport (BKW)
- Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU)
- Ralph M. Calhoun Memorial Airport (TAL)
- Ralph Wien Memorial Airport (OTZ)
- Ramona Airport (RNM)
- Rampart Airport (RMP)
- Rancho Murieta Airport (RIU)
- Randall Airport (06N)
- Randolph Air Force Base (RND)
- Rapid City Regional Airport (RAP)
- Raton Municipal Airport (RTN)
- Rawlins Municipal Airport (RWL)
- Ray S. Miller Army Airfield - Camp Ripley - Minnesota National Guard (RYM)
- Reading Regional Airport (RDG)
- Recreation and Conference Center Heliport (JID)
- Red Bluff Municipal Airport (RBL)
- Red Devil Airport (RDV)
- Red Lodge Airport (RED)
- Red Oak Municipal Airport (RDK)
- Redding Municipal Airport (RDD)
- Redstone Army Airfield (HUA)
- Redwood Falls Municipal Airport (RWF)
- Reidsville Municipal Airport (RVJ)
- Reid–Hillview Airport (RHV)
- Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO)
- Renton Municipal Airport (RNT)
- Rentschler Heliport (EHT)
- Republic Airport (FRG)
- Rexburg-Madison County Airport (RXE)
- Rhinelander–Oneida County Airport (RHI)
- Rice Lake Regional Airport (RIE)
- Rice Lake Regional Airport (RPD)
- Richard B. Helgeson Airport (TWM)
- Richard B. Russell Regional Airport (RMG)
- Richard I. Bong Airport (SUW)
- Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport (RVS)
- Richfield Municipal Airport (RIF)
- Richland Airport (RLD)
- Richland Airport (93C)
- Richmond County Airport (RCZ)
- Richmond International Airport (RIC)
- Richmond Municipal Airport (RID)
- Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA)
- Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK)
- Ridgeland Airport (3J1)
- Ridgely Airpark (RJD)
- Rinkenberger RLA Airport (BDF)
- Riverside Metro Center Heliport (JRD)
- Riverside Municipal Airport (RAL)
- Riverton Regional Airport (RIW)
- Roanoke Regional Airport (ROA)
- Roben-Hood Airport (RQB)
- Robert (Bob) Curtis Memorial Airport (ORV)
- Robert F. Swinnie Airport (ADR)
- Robert J. Miller Air Park (MJX)
- Robert S. Kerr Airport (RKR)
- Roberts Army Heliport (SYL)
- Roberts Field (RDM)
- Robertson Field (4B8)
- Robins AFB (WRB)
- Roche Harbor Airport (RCE)
- Rochelle Municipal Airport (RPJ)
- Rochester International Airport (RST)
- Rochester Municipal Heliport (JRC)
- Rochester Station (ZTE)
- Rock Hill York Co Bryant Airport (RKH)
- Rock Hill/York County Airport (UZA)
- Rock Rapids Municipal Airport (RRQ)
- Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Airport (RKS)
- Rockwood Municipal Airport (RKW)
- Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (BJC)
- Rocky Mount–Wilson Regional Airport (RWI)
- Rogers Municipal Airport (ROG)
- Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport (MFR)
- Rohnerville Airport (FOT)
- Rolla Downtown Airport (RLA)
- Rolla National Airport (VIH)
- Rome State Airport (REO)
- Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
- Rooke Field (RFG)
- Rosario Seaplane Base (RSJ)
- Roscoe Turner Airport (CRX)
- Roscommon County–Blodgett Memorial Airport (HTL)
- Roseau Municipal Airport (ROX)
- Roseburg Regional Airport (RBG)
- Roseburg Regional Airport (RGB)
- Rosecrans Memorial Airport (STJ)
- Ross County Airport (RZT)
- Roswell International Air Center (ROW)
- Roundup Airport (RPX)
- Rowan County Airport (RUQ)
- Ruby Airport (RBY)
- Rugby Municipal Airport (RUG)
- Rusk County Airport (RCX)
- Russell Municipal Airport (RSL)
- Russellville Regional Airport (RUE)
- Russian Mission Airport (RSH)
- Ruston Regional Airport (RSN)
- Rutland–Southern Vermont Regional Airport (RUT)
- Ryan Airfield (RYN)
- Sacramento Executive Airport (SAC)
- Sacramento International Airport (SMF)
- Sacramento Mather Airport (MHR)
- Safford Regional Airport (SAD)
- Sagwon Airport (SAG)
- Saint-Augustine Airport (YIF)
- Salem-Leckrone Airport (SLO)
- Salina Regional Airport (SLN)
- Salina-Gunnison Airport (SBO)
- Salinas Municipal Airport (SNS)
- Salisbury–Ocean City–Wicomico Regional Airport (SBY)
- Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)
- Salton Sea Airport (SAS)
- Samuels Field (BRY)
- San Angelo Regional Airport (SJT)
- San Antonio International Airport (SAT)
- San Bernardino International Airport (SBD)
- San Carlos Airport (SQL)
- San Diego International Airport (SAN)
- San Francisco Bay Area - All Airports (QBA)
- San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
- San Gabriel Valley Airport (EMT)
- San Juan (Uganik) Seaplane Base (WSJ)
- San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport (SBP)
- San Luis Valley Regional Airport (ALS)
- San Rafael Heliport (JSG)
- Sand Point Airport (SDP)
- Sanderson Field (SHN)
- Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport (SFM)
- Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (SBA)
- Santa Cruz Island Airport (SZN)
- Santa Fe Municipal Airport (SAF)
- Santa Maria Public Airport (SMX)
- Santa Monica Airport (SMO)
- Santa Paula Airport (SZP)
- Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (SRQ)
- Saufley Field (NUN)
- Savannah-Hardin County Airport (SNH)
- Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV)
- Savoonga Airport (SVA)
- Sawyer County Airport (HYR)
- Sawyer International Airport (MQT)
- Scammon Bay Airport (SCM)
- Scappoose Industrial Airpark (HBB)
- Schaumburg Regional Airport (06C)
- Schenck Field (ICL)
- Schenectady County Airport (SCH)
- Schenectady Station (ZTD)
- Scholes International Airport at Galveston (GLS)
- Schoolcraft County Airport (ISQ)
- Scott City Municipal Airport (TQK)
- Scottsdale Airport (SCF)
- Scottsdale Airport (ZSY)
- Scribner State Airport (SCB)
- Seal Bay Seaplane Base (SYB)
- Searcy Municipal Airport (SRC)
- Searle Field Airport (OGA)
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)
- Sebring Regional Airport (SEF)
- Sedalia Regional Airport (DMO)
- Sedona Airport (SDX)
- Selawik Airport (WLK)
- Seldovia Airport (SOV)
- Selfridge Air National Guard Base (MTC)
- Selfs Airport (MMS)
- Selma Municipal Airport (SES)
- Seward Airport (SWD)
- Seward Municipal Airport (SWT)
- Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (GSB)
- Shafter Airport (MIT)
- Shageluk Airport (SHX)
- Shaktoolik Airport (SKK)
- Shaw Air Force Base (SSC)
- Shawnee Regional Airport (SNL)
- Sheboygan County Memorial Airport (SBM)
- Sheep Mountain Airport (SMU)
- Shelby Airport (SBX)
- Shelby County Airport (EET)
- Shelbyville Municipal Airport (SYI)
- Sheldon Point Airport (SXP)
- Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (SHD)
- Sher-Wood Airport (PWD)
- Sheridan County Airport (SHR)
- Sherman Army Airfield (FLV)
- Sherman Municipal Airport (SWI)
- Sherman Oaks Community Hospital Heliport (JSN)
- Shillong Airport (SHL)
- Shishmaref Airport (SHH)
- Shively Field (SAA)
- Shoestring Aviation Airfield Airport (0P2)
- Show Low Regional Airport (SOW)
- Shreveport Downtown Airport (DTN)
- Shreveport Regional Airport (SHV)
- Shungnak Airport (SHG)
- Sidney Municipal Airport (SNY)
- Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport (SDY)
- Sierra Blanca Regional Airport (SRR)
- Sierra Vista Municipal Airport (FHU)
- Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport (SIK)
- Sikorsky Heliport (JSD)
- Sikorsky Memorial Airport (BDR)
- Simmons Army Airfield (FBG)
- Sioux Center Municipal Airport (SOY)
- Sioux Falls Regional Airport (FSD)
- Sioux Gateway Airport (SUX)
- Siskiyou County Airport (SIY)
- Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport (SIT)
- Skagway Airport (SGY)
- Skwentna Airport (SKW)
- Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
- Skylark Field (ILE)
- Skypark Airport (BTF)
- Sleetmute Airport (SLQ)
- Sloulin Field International Airport (ISN)
- Smith Field (SLG)
- Smith Field Airport (SMD)
- Smith Reynolds Airport (INT)
- Smyrna Airport (MQY)
- Snohomish County Airport (PAE)
- Socorro Municipal Airport (ONM)
- Soldotna Airport (SXQ)
- Somerset County Airport (2G9)
- Sonora Municipal Airport (SOA)
- South Arkansas Regional Airport at Goodwin Field (ELD)
- South Bend International Airport (SBN)
- South Big Horn County Airport (GEY)
- South Jersey Regional Airport (LLY)
- South Jersey Regional Airport (VAY)
- South Lakeland Airport (X49)
- South Lewis County Airport (TDO)
- South Naknek Airport (WSN)
- South Station (ZTO)
- South Texas Regional Airport at Hondo (HDO)
- South Wood County Airport (ISW)
- Southeast Iowa Regional Airport (BRL)
- Southern California Logistics Airport (VCV)
- Southern Illinois Airport (MDH)
- Southern Seaplane Airport (BCS)
- Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport (JVL)
- Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW)
- Southwest Georgia Regional Airport (ABY)
- Southwest Michigan Regional Airport (BEH)
- Southwest Minnesota Regional Airport (MML)
- Southwest Oregon Regional Airport (OTH)
- Southwest Washington Regional Airport (KLS)
- Space Coast Regional Airport (TIX)
- Sparrevohn LRRS Airport (SVW)
- Sparta Community-Hunter Field Airport (SAR)
- Sparta/Fort McCoy Airport (CMY)
- Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport (SPA)
- Spence Airport (MUL)
- Spencer Municipal Airport (SPW)
- Spirit of St. Louis Airport (SUS)
- Spitfire Aerodrome (7N7)
- Spokane International Airport (GEG)
- Spring Hill Airport (70N)
- Springdale Municipal Airport (SPZ)
- Springfield Union Station (ZSF)
- Springfield-Branson National Airport (SGF)
- Springfield–Beckley Municipal Airport (SGH)
- St. Augustine Airport (UST)
- St. Clair County Airport (PLR)
- St. Clair County International Airport (PHN)
- St. Cloud Municipal Heliport (JSK)
- St. Cloud Regional Airport (STC)
- St. George Airport (STG)
- St. George Regional Airport (SGU)
- St. Johns Industrial Air Park (SJN)
- St. Landry Parish Airport (OPL)
- St. Louis Downtown Airport (CPS)
- St. Louis Regional Airport (ALN)
- St. Mary's Airport (KSM)
- St. Mary's County Regional Airport (LTW)
- St. Marys Municipal Airport (STQ)
- St. Michael Airport (SMK)
- St. Paul Downtown Airport (STP)
- St. Paul Island Airport (SNP)
- St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport (PIE)
- Stafford Regional Airport (RMN)
- Stamford Transportation Center (ZTF)
- Stan Stamper Municipal Airport (HUJ)
- Stanly County Airport (VUJ)
- Stanton Airfield (SYN)
- Statesboro-Bulloch County Airport (TBR)
- Statesville Regional Airport (SVH)
- Steamboat Springs Airport (SBS)
- Stebbins Airport (WBB)
- Steel Pier Taj Mahal Heliport (JSL)
- Stephens County Airport (BKD)
- Sterling Municipal Airport (STK)
- Stevens Field (PGO)
- Stevens Point Municipal Airport (STE)
- Stevens Village Airport (SVS)
- Stewart International Airport (SWF)
- Stillwater Regional Airpor (SWO)
- Stinson Municipal Airport (SSF)
- Stockton Metropolitan Airport (SCK)
- Stony River 2 Airport (SRV)
- Storm Lake Municipal Airport (SLB)
- Stormville Airport (N69)
- Strother Field (WLD)
- Stroud Municipal Airport (SUD)
- Stroudsburg-Pocono Airport (N53)
- Stroudsburg-Pocono Airport (ESP)
- Stuttgart Municipal Airport (SGT)
- Sugar Land Regional Airport (SGR)
- Sullivan County Airport (SIV)
- Sullivan County International Airport (MSV)
- Sullivan Regional Airport (UUV)
- Sulphur Springs Municipal Airport (SLR)
- Summit Airport (UMM)
- Sumter Airport (SUM)
- Sundance Airport (HSD)
- Sunriver Airport (SUO)
- Susanville Municipal Airport (SVE)
- Suwannee County Airport (24J)
- Sylvania Airport (C89)
- Sylvester Airport (SYV)
- Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR)
- Tacoma Narrows Airport (TIW)
- Tahlequah Municipal Airport (TQH)
- Tahneta Pass Airport (HNE)
- Takotna Airport (TCT)
- Talkeetna Airport (TKA)
- Talladega Municipal Airport (ASN)
- Tallahassee International Airport (TLH)
- Tampa Executive Airport (VDF)
- Tampa International Airport (TPA)
- Tampa North Flight Center Airport (X39)
- Tanacross Airport (TSG)
- Tangier Island Airport (TGI)
- Taos Regional Airport (SKX)
- Tatalina Lrrs Airport (TLJ)
- Tatitlek Airport (TEK)
- Taunton Municipal Airport (TAN)
- Taylor Airport (TYZ)
- Taylor County Airport (MDF)
- Taylorville Municipal Airport (TAZ)
- Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC)
- Tehachapi Municipal Airport (TSP)
- Tekamah Municipal Airport (TQE)
- Telfair-Wheeler Airport (MQW)
- Teller Airport (TLA)
- Telluride Regional Airport (TEX)
- Tenakee Seaplane Base (TKE)
- Terre Haute International Airport (HUF)
- Terrell Municipal Airport (TRL)
- Teterboro Airport (TEB)
- Texarkana Regional Airport (TXK)
- Texas Gulf Coast Regional Airport (LJN)
- The Boehlert Transportation Center at Union Station (ZUA)
- The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)
- The Gooding Municipal Airport (GNG)
- The O'Neill Municipal Airport (ONL)
- Theodore Francis Green Memorial State Airport (PVD)
- Thief River Falls Regional Airport (TVF)
- Thomas C. Russell Field (ALX)
- Thomasville Regional Airport (TVI)
- Thompson Falls Airport (THM)
- Thompson-Robbins Airport (HEE)
- Thomson McDuffie-Regional Airport (HQU)
- Thorne Bay Seaplane Base (KTB)
- Thousand Oaks Heliport (JTO)
- Three Rivers Municipal, Dr. Haines Airport (HAI)
- Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base (KTH)
- Tillamook Airport (OTK)
- Tin City LRRS Airport (TNC)
- Tin Creek Airport (TNW)
- Tinian International Airport (TNI)
- Tinker Air Force Base (TIK)
- Tipton Airport (FME)
- Toccoa Airport (TOC)
- Togiak Airport (TOG)
- Tok Airport (TKJ)
- Tok Junction Airport (6K8)
- Tokeen Seaplane Base (TKI)
- Toksook Bay Airport (OOK)
- Toledo Executive Airport (TDZ)
- Toledo Express Airport (TOL)
- Tom Madsen (Dutch Harbor) Airport (DUT)
- Tompkinsville-Monroe County Airport (TZV)
- Tonopah Airport (TPH)
- Tonopah Test Range Airport (XSD)
- Topeka Regional Airport (FOE)
- Torrington Municipal Airport (TOR)
- Tracy Municipal Airport (TCY)
- Tradewind Airport (TDW)
- Transco Tower Garage Heliport (JGQ)
- Travis Air Force Base (SUU)
- Treasure Coast International Airport (FPR)
- Treasure Coast International Airport (FRP)
- Trent Lott International Airport (PGL)
- Trenton Municipal Airport (TRX)
- Trenton-Mercer Airport (TTN)
- Trenton-Robbinsville Airport (N87)
- Trenton–Mercer Airport (YTR)
- Tri-Cities Regional Airport (PSC)
- Tri-Cities Regional Airport (TRI)
- Tri-City Airport (PPF)
- Tri-County Regional Airport (LNR)
- Tri-State Airport (HTS)
- Tri-State Steuben County Airport (ANQ)
- Tri-Township Airport (SFY)
- Triangle North Executive Airport (LFN)
- Trona Airport (TRH)
- Troy Municipal Airport (TOI)
- Truckee Tahoe Airport (TRK)
- Truckee Tahoe Airport (TKF)
- Truth or Consequences Municipal Airport (TCS)
- TSTC Waco Airport (CNW)
- Tucson International Airport (TUS)
- Tucumcari Municipal Airport (TCC)
- Tullahoma Regional Airport (THA)
- Tulsa International Airport (TUL)
- Tuluksak Airport (TLT)
- Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM)
- Tunica Municipal Airport (UTA)
- Tuntutuliak Airport (WTL)
- Tununak Airport (TNK)
- Tupelo Regional Airport (TUP)
- Tuscaloosa Regional Airport (TCL)
- Tusi Army Heliport (HGT)
- Tweed New Haven Airport (HVN)
- Twentynine Palms Airport (TNP)
- Twentynine Palms Eaf Airport (NXP)
- Twin Hills Airport (TWA)
- Two Harbors Amphibious Terminal (TWH)
- Tyler Pounds Regional Airport (TYR)
- Tyndall Air Force Base (PAM)
- Tyonek Airport (TYE)
- Ugashik Bay Airport (UGB)
- Ugnu-Kuparuk Airport (UUK)
- Ukiah Municipal Airport (UKI)
- Ulysses Airport (ULS)
- Umiat Airport (UMT)
- Unalakleet Airport (UNK)
- United States Air Force Academy Airfield (AFF)
- University of Illinois Willard Airport (CMI)
- University of Oklahoma Westheimer Airport (OUN)
- University Park Airport (SCE)
- University-Oxford Airport (UOX)
- Upolu Airport (UPP)
- US Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles (NOW)
- Vagabond Army Airfield (FCT)
- Valdez Airport (VDZ)
- Valdosta Regional Airport (VLD)
- Valley International Airport (HRL)
- Van Nuys Airport (VNY)
- Van Wert County Airport (VNW)
- Vance Air Force Base (END)
- Vandalia Municipal Airport (VLA)
- Vandenberg Air Force Base (VBG)
- Venango Regional Airport (FKL)
- Venetie Airport (VEE)
- Venice Municipal Airport (VNC)
- Vermilion Regional Airport (DNV)
- Vernal Regional Airport (VEL)
- Vero Beach Regional Airport (VRB)
- Vicksburg Municipal Airport (VKS)
- Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport (TVR)
- Victoria Regional Airport (VCT)
- Vidalia Regional Airport (VDI)
- Vinton Veterans Memorial Airpark (VTI)
- Virgil I. Grissom Municipal Airport (BFR)
- Virginia Highlands Airport (VJI)
- Virginia Tech Montgomery Executive Airport (BCB)
- Viroqua Municipal Airport (Y51)
- Visalia Municipal Airport (VIS)
- Vista Field (VSK)
- Volk Field Air National Guard Base (VOK)
- W. H. 'Bud' Barron Airport (DBN)
- W. K. Kellogg Airport (BTL)
- Waco Regional Airport (ACT)
- Wadsworth Municipal Airport (3G3)
- Waikoloa Heliport (WKL)
- Waimea-Kohala Airport (MUE)
- Wainwright Air Station (K03)
- Wainwright Airport (AIN)
- Wake Island Airfield (AWK)
- Wales Airport (WAA)
- Walla Walla Regional Airport (ALW)
- Wallops Flight Facility Airport (WAL)
- Walnut Ridge Regional Airport (ARG)
- Walt Disney World Airport (DWS)
- Walter J. Koladza Airport (GBR)
- Warm Springs Bay Seaplane Base (BNF)
- Warner Center Plaza One Heliport (JWC)
- Warren County Memorial Airport (RNC)
- Warren Field Airport (OCW)
- Warroad International Memorial Airpor (RRT)
- Warsaw Municipal Airport (RAW)
- Washington - All Airports (WAS)
- Washington County Airport (WSG)
- Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD)
- Washington Union Station (ZWU)
- Wasilla Airport (IYS)
- Waskish Municipal Airport (VWU)
- Waterbury-Oxford Airport (OXC)
- Waterfall Seaplane Base (KWF)
- Waterloo Regional Airport (ALO)
- Watertown International Airport (ART)
- Watertown Municipal Airport (RYV)
- Watertown Regional Airport (ATY)
- Waterville Robert LaFleur Airport (WVL)
- Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI)
- Waukegan National Airport (UGN)
- Waukesha County Airport (UES)
- Waupaca Municipal Airport (PCZ)
- Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW)
- Waycross-Ware County Airport (AYS)
- Wayne County Airport (BJJ)
- Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport (TBN)
- Webb Air Force Base Airport (BGS)
- Webster City Municipal Airport (EBS)
- Weedon Field (EUF)
- Welke Airport (6Y8)
- Wellington Municipal Airport (EGT)
- Wells Municipal Airport (LWL)
- Wellsville Municipal Airport (ELZ)
- Wendover Airport (ENV)
- West 30th Street Heliport (JRA)
- West Bend Municipal Airport (ETB)
- West Georgia Regional Airport (CTJ)
- West Houston Airport (IWS)
- West Memphis Municipal Airport (AWM)
- West Point Village Seaplane Base (KWP)
- West Woodward Airport (WWR)
- Westchase Hilton Heliport (JWH)
- Westchester County Airport (HPN)
- Westerly State Airport (WST)
- Western Carolina Regional Airport (RHP)
- Western Nebraska Regional Airport (BFF)
- Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport (BAF)
- Westover Metropolitan Airport (CEF)
- Westsound Seaplane Base (WSX)
- Wexford County Airport (CAD)
- Wheeler Army Airfield (HHI)
- Wheeling Ohio County Airport (HLG)
- White Mountain Airport (WMO)
- Whiteman Air Force Base (SZL)
- Whiteman Airport (WHP)
- Whiteside Co Arpt-jos H Bittorf Fld (SQI)
- Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport (ICT)
- Wickenburg Municipal Airport (E25)
- Wiley Post Airport (PWA)
- Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport (BRW)
- Wilkes County Airport (IKB)
- Wilkes County Airport (UKF)
- Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley Airport (WBW)
- Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport (AVP)
- Will Rogers World Airport (OKC)
- William F. Walsh Regional Transportation Center (ZYQ)
- William P. Hobby Airport (HOU)
- William R. Fairchild International Airport (CLM)
- William T. Piper Memorial Airport (LHV)
- Williams County Airport (0G6)
- Williamson County Regional Airport (MWA)
- Williamsport Regional Airport (IPT)
- Willmar Municipal Airport (ILL)
- Willow Airport (UUO)
- Willow Run Airport (YIP)
- Willows-Glenn County Airport (WLW)
- Wilmington Airport Delaware (ILG)
- Wilmington International Airport (ILM)
- Winchester Regional Airport (WGO)
- Windham Airport (IJD)
- Windom Municipal Airport (MWM)
- Window Rock Airport (RQE)
- Wings Field (BBX)
- Winkler County Airport (INK)
- Winnemucca Municipal Airport (WMC)
- Winona Municipal Airport (ONA)
- Winslow-Lindbergh Regional Airport (INW)
- Winston Field (SNK)
- Winter Haven's Gilbert Airport (GIF)
- Wiscasset Airport (ISS)
- Wiseman Airport (WSM)
- Witham Field (SUA)
- Wittman Regional Airport (OSH)
- Woodward Field (airport) (CDN)
- Worcester Regional Airport (ORH)
- Worland Municipal Airport (WRL)
- Worthington Municipal Airport (OTG)
- Wrangell Airport (WRG)
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (FFO)
- Yakataga Airport (CYT)
- Yakima Air Terminal (YKM)
- Yakutat Airport (YAK)
- Yampa Valley Airport (HDN)
- Yeager Airport (CRW)
- Yellowstone Airport (WYS)
- Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD)
- York Airport (THV)
- Youngstown Elser Metro Airport (4G4)
- Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport (YNG)
- Yuba County Airport (MYV)
- Yuma International Airport (YUM)
- Z.M. Jack Stell Field (CRT)
- Zachar Bay Seaplane Base (KZB)
- Zamperini Field Airport (TOA)
- Zanesville Municipal Airport (ZZV)
- Zephyrhills Municipal Airport (ZPH)